THE, definite article. English
Complete with "the" or ---
1 Do you know where ______ Tom's house is?
2 Don't worry, I'll lend you ____ money that you need.
3 _____ breakfast / Breakfast is served at seven.
4 I left your notebook on ______ table.Answers
1 Do you know where Tom's house is?
2 Don't worry, I'll lend you the money that you need.
3 Breakfast is served at seven.
4 I left your notebook on the table.
Basic rules:
1.- If it is known what we are referring to, "the" is used. Si conocemos a lo que nos referimos, utilizamos "the".
I found a dog in the street. (It was the first time I had seen that dog. Then, We use an indefinite article -a/an). Encontré un perro en la calle. (Era la primera vez que había visto aquel perro. Entonces, utilizamos un artículo definido: En masculino: un/uno. En femenino: una/unas)
I found the dog in the street. (I have previously seen that dog, read about it or heard from it). We use definite article. Encontré el perro en la calle. (Había previamente visto aquel perro, leído sobre él o oído de él)
2.- Something specific. Algo específico.
The grammar book is on the table. El libro de gramática está encima de la mesa.
3.- Something unique. Algo único.
The Sun is yellow. El Sol es amarillo.
4.- With nations, families, oceans, deserts, seas or ranges of mountains. Con países, familias, océanos, desiertos, mares o cadenas montañosas
The Thames River
The Gobit Desert
The Woodward family
The Mediterranean
The Spanish
5.- Do not use "the" with: No utilices "the" con:
Names of languages:
I'm learning Spanish. Estoy aprendiendo español.
I have lunch with my friend. Como con mi amigo.
If we talk about general categories using a plural noun, we do not use “the”. Si hablamos sobre categorías generales utilizando un sustantivo plural, no utilizamos “the”.
Cats are nice. Los gatos son agradables.